By Jonel Thames Leake, CPCU, ASLI, AAI, CPIW, DAE, CLP-A

I am a member of the “Words of Wisdom” mastermind group, and I consider it to be a wonderful member benefit. If you haven’t signed up to join a group, I encourage you to do so. 

What is a mastermind group?

It is a group that meets to provide mentoring and problem-solving suggestions to its members. You attend regular virtual meetings and you and your group decide how you want your group to operate. 

Our group tends to pick a topic to discuss at each meeting. We have discussed the imposter syndrome; challenges we face and what is on our IAIP wish list. We have also shared our successes! Another mastermind group chose a self-help book and discussed a different chapter at each meeting. You can make your mastermind group anything your group wants it to be. 

Here are answers to some questions that I have heard over the years. 

Is there a cost to join a group? No, it is a no-cost member benefit. 

How much time does it take? One hour per month for six months. 

Do I have to change groups every session? No, you can stay in your group if you like. 

   Several members of Words of Wisdom have been together since day one. However, if

   you want to change groups after six months; you are free to do so! It’s up to you!

The biggest reason I keep participating in my mastermind group are the members of the group. We have members across the country, and I have been able to form deeper connections with them. As a member-at-large, I miss seeing my fellow members on a regular basis. This is a good substitute for those meetings. When I joined our group, I only knew Lisa Hardin from early morning walks at the Orlando convention. Little did either of us know that we would end up on the Executive Committee working together a few years later. The foundation we developed in our mastermind group meetings gave us a head start on developing a great working relationship as EC members. 

When the next open enrollment period for mastermind comes along, I hope you will take the opportunity to join a mastermind group. Don’t let this benefit of IAIP membership pass you by!

Jonel Thames Leake, CPCU, ASLI, AAI, CPIW, DAE, CLP-A is currently serving as IAIP International Vice President. When she signed up for to join a mastermind group, she didn’t really know what one was. Being a member of “Words of Wisdom” has been a great experience. 

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