The Special Interest Communities had a great year and have big plans for 2022. There will be more virtual meetings, more opportunities to network, and more options to hear subject matter experts. Remember – all IAIP members are welcome to join one or all the SICs, this benefit is included in your membership dues. This article is

by Ben Baker It is staggering how many times I have asked CEOs, founders, leaders, and employees at all levels, “what makes YOU valuable, to whom and why?” and either get a stammering nonsensical type answer or a blank stare. As organizations, and those who work within them, having everyone answer these questions quickly and succinctly is

By Dr. Claire Muselman As I sat down in a meeting with the President of our organization in 2018, the term executive presence is exchanged. The concept of executive presence is not one I knew much about at the time. I became quite inquisitive about the context, as well as the meaning. The late Michael

Coaching is based on a relationship between two people and involves giving support, developing potential and enhancing performance in employees or colleagues. Knowing how and when to coach is an essential skill for leaders in developing individuals and teams. Coaching focuses on helping another person learn in ways that help them grow personally or professionally.

When you hear the word delegation what do you think of? Many of us may have a negative thought of a boss or co-worker who pass along tasks and projects that they don’t want to do, right? When done correctly, delegation can be a positive thing and involve a manager expanding the skillset and growth