Messages from the Outgoing and Incoming IAIP Presidents

Outgoing President’s Message

What a journey these past four years have been serving on the executive committee. It has been my honor and pleasure to represent IAIP as your president this year. I am very proud of the work we have accomplished this past year, and I could not have done it alone. Thank you to the board of directors for all your hard work and dedication to IAIP. We still have a way to go, but with your assistance and the leadership in place, we will continue to meet the challenges and continue to grow this association.

In order for this association to grow and flourish it will take all of our members getting involved, taking on leadership roles, and helping to spread the word about IAIP to our industry partners.

Thank you again for your support and encouragement this past year! I look forward to seeing you at future events or working with you on a task force or project.

Tammy Wascher, CIC, CIIP, CPIA, CLP-A, DAE

2023 – 2024 International President

Incoming President’s Message

Happy New Year Friends! As we begin a new fiscal year, I can’t help but take a step back and look at where we’ve been and where we’re headed. Our products are outstanding; our members are priceless; and we are poised for growth. We have such a bright future! We don’t just connect members with networking events, or only build careers with designations. We provide an environment where our members can learn new skills and put them into practice.  

How are you engaging with the association? There are so many ways to participate. Are you working towards a designation? Have you joined a Special Interest Community or a Mastermind group? Our various task forces are always for looking fresh new faces and ideas. Not only will you benefit personally and professionally, but so will your employer and your customers. Fill out the Volunteer Interest form, and we’ll get you connected!

I’m so proud to be an Insurance Professional! We have a rockstar board of directors who are all excited to continue our journey as the leading provider of education, skills enhancement, and leadership development in the industry. Belonging is good business. Engaging is your key to success!

Vickie Harmon, CMA, CIIP, PIAM, CLP-A, DAE, CSCA

2024-2025 International President

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