By Geraldine Plott, CPCU, SCLA, FCLA, AIC, ARM, AIS, AINS, CIIP, DAE, CLP-A Over the last year several new buzzwords have been in the industry news – ‘quiet quitting’ and ‘quiet firing’. The newest is ‘quiet hiring’. Experts at Gartner ( listed this trend as one of the top workforce predictions for 2023. According to those

By Leslie Door Director of Research, Product Development, Risk & Regulatory Compliance Zephyr Insurance Company Every year weather disasters cause billions of dollars in damages. As climate change continues to affect weather patterns and cause more natural disasters and severe weather events, it is important for insureds to understand the different perils associated with these

By Sue Quimby According to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP),   floods are the #1 natural disaster in the United States, causing over $2.7 billion per year from 2000-2010. Since flood damage is excluded in most standard insurance policies, it is important that every insured consider adding flood coverage to their insurance portfolio. Understanding the

By Sue Quimby According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), arson is the leading cause of fire property damage in the United States. There are over 500,000 fires set intentionally each year, resulting in over $2 billion in property damage. Insurance is intended for fortuitous events, not intentional acts.  Knowing the causes and signs

By Robert H. Wilson Workers’ Compensation, as an industry, has a marketing problem. It is probably better described as a messaging problem. It has long been true that the industry has been broadly defined by the negative stories that find their way into local and national press publications and media outlets. We have been generally