Brenda McDermott, CPCU, SCLA, ARM, AIDA, AIC, CIIP The accomplishments of so many talented athletes at the 2022 Winter Olympics have unfortunately been overshadowed by the alleged actions of one young skater who has been accused of cheating by testing positive for a banned substance. Adding to this allegation is the long history of her

Keri Herlong, CPCU, CIC, CRM, CISR, ACSR, AIM, CIIP, CLP, DAE Do you feel like a fainting goat trying to understand what people mean by “1099 employee”? Relax! This blog was written to keep you from keeling over when trying to determine what this means to policyholders versus what it means to your commercial lines

The Special Interest Communities had a great year and have big plans for 2022. There will be more virtual meetings, more opportunities to network, and more options to hear subject matter experts. Remember – all IAIP members are welcome to join one or all the SICs, this benefit is included in your membership dues. This article is

by Sue Quimby, CPCU, AU, CIC, CPIW, DAEMSO, Inc. The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 changed the face of business and industry forever. When the pandemic struck in March many companies were left unprepared for or unable to make the transition from an in-house workforce to social distancing. Companies responded in a variety of ways. At

Are you taking the risks posed by the sharing economy into consideration when you talk to your clients or companies? Are you looking for that thing that can make you stand out to the people above you in your workplace? The sharing economy is here to stay and is much more pervasive that just Uber