by Linda A McCann, CPCU, AAI, CPIW

Many of you don’t realize just how “powerful” your email can be! If you send an email to:

  • An insurance company you represent
  • A premium finance company you work with
  • An MGA you place business with
  • A restoration company you utilize
  • An adjusting firm that you send claims to
  • A compliance company you use
  • Any other company you work with on a regular basis

The chance of your email being opened is about 99%. They know you; they know the agency or company you represent… you are their customer and therefore important to them! They will open and read your message.

 …it takes a village…

I’m sure you have all heard this old adage about raising children, which I firmly believe is true. And you’re probably wondering, what does this have to do with my powerful email and IAIP??

Well… it takes a village, which includes you, me and all members to build a vibrant, professional, growing association!!  We each have something to contribute and those contributions make our organization stronger and better.

As a member of the 2023 Convention Task Force, I am asking each of you to use the power of your email. As part of the “village” I’m asking that you help us with soliciting sponsors for the convention in Providence. Reach out to one of your industry partners and offer them the opportunity to become a sponsor this year. Share with them why IAIP is so important to you and tell them how appreciative you would be if they would at least consider participating. It might just surprise you with the responses you receive.

They will open and read your email, they may not respond the way we want, but they will at least read your message, whereas an email with an unknown address will just be moved to junk mail. Send them a copy of the 2023 Prospectus and invite them to discuss further with you and/or IAIP Executive Director, Amanda Hammerli. The first step is to get our foot in the door and your introduction, and your powerful email is all it takes.

I am really getting excited about going to Providence in June. Tons of fun things to do and looking forward to seeing friends from across the county. It takes the contributions of all members, not just the Task Force to have a successful convention. And while I would love to see every member attend, I know that is not always possible. But you, as part of the village, can still contribute to making it a successful 2023 IAIP Convention. Please take the time to help us today!

The IAIP village is very unique in that we have members from all sections of the industry. We encourage and support each other, applaud the accomplishments of our members and we’re a shoulder to cry on. We are powerful, I encourage you to use the Power you have!

Linda A McCann, CPCU, AAI, CPIW is President of Bay Shore Insurance Inc. located in Salisbury MD. She is a past RVP for Region II and long-term member of IAIP, serving in numerous positions. She currently serves on the 2023 Convention Task and 2023 Education Task Force.

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