What is the NAIW Legacy Foundation?


What does the NAIW Legacy Foundation mean to you? Have you been a part of the foundation? Have you gained any assistance from the foundation? Have you donated? Do you know what the foundation does? Do you know how the foundation functions? If your answer is ‘no’ to any of these questions, what better way to explore those answers than to become involved?

The NAIW Legacy Foundation was formed for the purpose of developing and providing educational programs for insurance professionals. It is funded through tax-deductible financial contributions.

The Legacy Foundation board of directors includes a chair, secretary-treasurer, four directors-at-large and one director filled by a regional vice president. The foundation board is responsible for, among other things:

  • Meeting quarterly
  • Adopting a budget and strategic plan (annually)
  • Adopting a task force/committee to carry out the strategic plan
  • Approving all scholarship and grant applications

The Legacy Foundation Task Force supports the promotional efforts of the Legacy Foundation. It develops fundraising campaigns to support the foundation throughout the year. The task force also supports the promotion and selection of the Norm Ziegler Trailblazer scholarship to students.

Be a part of a committee that helps shape leadership and at the same time gain valuable networking opportunities. If you’re a little hesitant, new to IAIP or just want to dip your toes into IAIP, start with joining the Legacy Foundation Task Force. I challenge you to find one person that has served that will tell you they did not enjoy their involvement. Come join the fun, help give away scholarships/grants; develop ideas for fundraising; network with fellow insurance professionals; be engaged and involved – one of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of your membership!

Geraldine Plott, CPCU, FCLA, SCLA, AIC, ARM, AIS, AINS, CIIP, DAE, CLP-A entered the insurance industry in 1974 and became a member of IAIP in 2002. She has held a variety of positions in both and has always been a strong advocate for education and professional development. She is currently retired but remain an ‘insurance nerd’ and enjoy facilitating and conducting classes/seminars.

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