Please Join Me in Reaching Out to the IAIP Community

By Jonel Thames Leake, CPCU, ASLI, AAI, CPIW, DAE, CLP-A

When you ask most IAIP members about the biggest benefit of membership, a vast majority will say it’s the connections you make. I agree with that answer. Some of my fellow members have become dear friends, some are trusted resources for all things insurance and others are a text message away when I need to vent. They have all improved my life. 

In today’s world, it can be difficult to make personal connections. Zoom and other virtual platforms have eliminated many in-person meetings. In addition, many of us are trying to do the work of two or three employees. It often seems like we don’t have the time or energy to form new relationships. 

Since I value my connections so much, I have decided to follow in the footsteps of a few of my mentors. Susan Hathorne and Geraldine Plott have shown me the value of a personal note as a method of encouraging others and to form new or strengthen existing relationships. I often thought that someone did a good job or that I was impressed they had earned a new designation, but I didn’t take any action to acknowledge the accomplishment. I am now intentionally making the effort to share my praise and positive feedback. 

How am I doing this? If someone I know earns a new designation, I reach out to them. If I think of a member who has done something that influenced me, I share my appreciation. If someone does a great job on a task, I say thank you. If I know someone that I think should apply for an award or scholarship, I reach out to them and offer to help them with the application process. I make these personal touches by email or phone call or by handwritten note. The recipients know that I am thinking of them and that they are appreciated. Just like Susan and Geraldine inspired me to make that extra effort, several members have told me that they are also reaching out to others.

I challenge you to join me and other members in reaching out. Make it your goal to take 10 minutes once a week to send out an email, write a note or make a phone call to a member or a potential member. It will make a difference to them – and to you. 

Jonel Thames Leake, CPCU, ASLI, AAI, CPIW, DAE, CLP-A is currently serving as International Vice President. She is a frequent contributor to this blog. She would not be where she is without the encouragement she has received in her IAIP journey. 

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