By Jonel Thames Leake & Carolyn Price

If you ask most IAIP members, the connections we make are one of the most valuable benefits of membership.

It used to be that our connections were all face-to-face and were primarily limited to the members we met in our local associations, councils and – to a smaller degree – regions. For most members, the number of connections made on the international level was very small. With today’s modern technology, however, that has changed. Virtual meetings allow us to connect with people that we have never met in person across the country. Without face-to-face contact, is it possible for virtual connections to bring value to our membership? Yes. Here is the story of two members who have not met in person and are currently enjoying and growing professionally from their IAIP connection.

Jonel Thames Leake is a longtime member of Region I and is currently serving as the International Vice President. Carolyn Price has been a member of Region III since 2022 and is currently serving as the Region III Education Director.

Jonel’s story: I am a regular instructor of Region I virtual classes and I first met Carolyn as a student in several of my classes. I was always happy to see her name on the roster because she is a great student. She shows up on time, participates, is encouraging, and always has her camera on. How did this teacher-student connection change into a mutually beneficial relationship? First, Carolyn and her co-worker Alicia were always some of the first people to join the online class. While waiting for the others to join, we chatted. It was inconsequential banter, but this allowed us to find common ground on a personal level. Within a short time, we became Facebook friends, and the connection was strengthened. Carolyn reached out with a question about the IAIP course Train the Trainer, and I answered. When she passed the course and subsequently became an IAIP certified trainer, I offered to assist her by moderating her first virtual class. The connection was cemented. I now consider Carolyn a valuable part of my IAIP network and a friend.

What do I get out of this connection? As a long-term member, I can sometimes get complacent about my engagement. As I see Carolyn’s excitement in earning a designation and adding new achievements as an IAIP member, I get excited. Not only do I find it rewarding to help other members, and see them succeed, but it also makes me want to challenge myself to grow too. In addition, I am planning to attend the Region III Conference in Savannah, Georgia in February. As an introvert, it can be challenging to attend an event without knowing anyone. But Carolyn is also planning to attend. It will be nice to have a readymade friend at the event, and I look forward to meeting her in person.

Carolyn’s story: I am a new instructor for IAIP and a member of Region III. Jonel was the first instructor I met (virtually) when I started taking Certified Leadership Professional classes. I had never taken a virtual class before, so I was not sure what to expect. I will testify to the fact that first impressions do matter! Not only was Jonel knowledgeable about the course information she presented, but she has a passion for teaching. She was happy, so we were happy – even after a long day of work. How did this teacher-student connection change into a mutually beneficial relationship? Our relationship began with having normal conversations. Jonel presented herself in such a friendly manner, I never hesitated to reach out to her with questions concerning virtual classes, virtual class schedule or whatever information I needed. She was always quick to respond. Jonel has a servant heart which gives unconditionally. Because of her, I was inspired to take Train the Trainer, and I will be teaching a Leadership 101 class September 24 and 25. What do I get out of this connection? A new friend and a mentor.

It does not matter if you meet someone face-to-face or virtually. What matters is: are you making a difference in someone’s life? Jonel has impacted mine by being positive and relaying information that will help me in my growth as a new IAIP member. She has connected me to so many other wonderful professionals with whom I have also formed friendships. She has sacrificed her love for kayaking to make sure I could make up a class I missed. Thanks to her communicating information concerning a Legacy Foundation scholarship, I was awarded one. I would not consider teaching my first class if she were not there as my proctor. (I am the fruit of her labor).

A true leader always reaches down and helps someone else, and Jonel has done just that with me. I look forward to meeting her face-to-face in Savannah, Georgia but our friendship has already blossomed. We both encourage you to take advantage of your virtual connections. With very little work, they can become as important to you as our connection is to us.

Jonel Thames Leake will celebrate her fortieth year as a member later this year. Some of her IAIP connections date back to when she first joined, and others are relatively new. She counts them all as the most valuable benefit of membership. She is currently serving as IAIP International Vice President.

Carolyn Price has been with IAIP for three years. She has received her CIIP and CLP designations. She currently holds the position as Region III Regional Education Director. Carolyn has met so many wonderful people through IAIP and is looking forward to many more wonderful years serving.

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