Test Your Knowledge: Legacy Scholarships and Grants

Scholarship Deadlines: January 15 & August 15

Scholarship Submission Guidelines:

  • All documents must be typed.
  • Submitted within the specific award period by the deadline date.
  • Submitted via the online form
  • Submit detailed documentation: Supporting the costs of course/registration.
  • Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  • If you previously received a legacy scholarship, you must provide successful completion information.
  • International Convention registrations will be granted no more than once in a three-year period.

Application Checklist provides a guide to what reviewers will be looking for:

  • Contact information: Be sure contact information is current.
  • Scholarship information: why, how and when
  • Professional development: designations, awards
  • IAIP involvement: committees, chairs, offices, councils, regionals, internationals, awards within the last five years
  • Employment history/work experience
  • Reference letter: Include one letter of recommendation from business, personal or IAIP.
  • Professional goals
    • What are your goals and what is next for you?
    • How will this scholarship help you obtain these goals?
  • Application attestation: Verification information is factual.

Grant Deadlines: October 15 & March 15

Grant Submission Guidelines

  • Each local/council/region is allowed one submission per submission period
  • All documents must be typed.
    • Submitted within the specific award period.
    • Submitted via the online form
  • Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted
  • Grants will be awarded for programs to be held after the decision announcement date. No past events will be considered.

Application Checklist provides a guide to what reviewers will be looking for:

  • Grant request details: application level, program name, date and amount requested.
  • Contact information: Be sure this is current.
  • Purpose of request
    • Why is local, council, region interested in hosting this program and requesting grant?
    • If previous grant request for this same purpose, provide details.
  • Background on local, council or region
  • Program/course description
  • Project budget
  • Speaker: brief bio and fee
  • Marketing plan: How will you communicate and encourage attendance?
  • Authorization: two signatures required

The NAIW International Legacy Foundation is a 501(c)3 insurance trust to support both the grant and scholarship programs funding education-related initiatives and projects benefiting the insurance industry and IAIP members.

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