By Jonel Thames Leake, CPCU, ASLI, AAI, CPIW, DAE, CLP Now that the Learning Management System (LMS) or On Demand catalog has been available for a few months, we have heard one question time and time again. People are asking “Where did the self-study guide go?”.  This article will solve that mystery. Our IAIP courses

By Jonel Thames Leake, CPCU, ASLI, AAI, CPIW, DAE, CLP 2023-2024 International Secretary International Association of Insurance Professionals As an insurance agent, I use the risk management process on a regular basis when working with clients. Without realizing it, however, I have started utilizing those same steps in my personal life as well. The steps

The 2023 IAIP Convention began with a loud cheer and almost 200 members (including 35 First Timers) played ‘Simon Says’ with Jan Spence, our inspiring keynote speaker who taught us that to be a true leader we must be a cheer-leader. The Ignite panelists shared with us an engaging state of the industry discussion. And

 By Geraldine Plott, CPCU, FCLA, SCLA, AIC, ARM, AIS, AINS, CIIP, DAE, CLP-A What does the NAIW Legacy Foundation mean to you? Have you been a part of the foundation? Have you gained any assistance from the foundation? Have you donated? Do you know what the foundation does? Do you know how the foundation functions?

By Katharine M. Nohr, J.D. One of the biggest challenges that any professional organization faces is member retention. While IAIP offers many benefits to members, some choose not to renew due to economic hardship, job change, lack of employer support, burn out, or disenchantment. Consider how much easier it is to bring back former members

Linda Grayless, AIS, API, ACS, AINS, CSM, CPIW, DAE IAIP Week is the week beginning the third Sunday in May each year—May 21 this year. Traditionally banquets, special luncheons and other activities are held by local associations to celebrate the accomplishments of the association and professionals in the industry. Is your local association hosting an